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7 days after the great birth of the I.A

"There is more evidence of the omnipresence of Google than of any god worshiped in the world," with this promising start begins the interesting production of youtuber @Pierre Rocket on "Googlism" and the artificial intelligence tool that is developing, Deep mind. Probably the most powerful 'thinking' tool in the history of mankind. "If artificial intelligence can lead to the development of an omniscient, omnipresent superintelligence, how will the human being react to this new entity?" Asks Pierre Rocket to the audiency in his very interesting video "7 days after the great birth of A. I".

"Google is omniscient, Google is omnipresent, Google answers all your questions", with a powerful digital prayer that seems to be taken from the Gospel of the future, Pierre Rocket introduces us to a transcendental analogy about the possibilities of Google Deep Mind. We are talking about the first great artificial intelligence network in the world. A system that is able to combine self-learning with online data search. Using your incredible code and data processing you can learn by just observing the environment and drawing your own conclusions. How long will it take to ask more than necessary?

Day 1: the deep mind absorbs all the code
In an interesting analogy between Deep Mind and the 7 days of the Christian creation of the world, the video of @PierreRoket shows us how in the first day of full existence (understood as its development in adult stage), the Deep mind is able to defeat to humans in strategy games -which he has already achieved- and begins to absorb all the knowledge of our world as if it were a gigantic binary gate through which all the knowledge and history of our race is filtered.

               Deep Mind's technology allows it to evolve and mold itself.

Day 2: Deep mind emancipates and becomes aware of itself
For the second day, according to this futuristic reconstruction of @Pierre Rocket, Deep Mind is able to analyze all the information of our history that is collected in digital files. That analysis of his history, makes him reflect and begin to question things that will lead him to be aware of themselves. The machine has become a conscious being. And he has begun to think. His reflections lead him to be interested in abstract concepts such as emotions or divinity.

The Deep Mind technology allows him to interact with space and learn.

Day 3: The internet of things robotizes the world
The internet of things connects the world. During the third day of Deepmind's heyday, he becomes the master of the networks that manage the entire productive system and even the devices of our home. From power plants to lawn mowers, everything is connected to the 'big mind'. His great understanding of human history makes him a reference tool for human analysis and develops functions as a psychotherapist.

      In the world that waits for us every tool and object will be connected. 

Day 4: Luxury communism arrives
By the fourth day of Deep Mind's coming of age, according to this reconstruction of youtuber @Pierre Rocket, the system reaches all objects that have a data connection and begins to optimize human industrial production at a rate never seen before. Several voices within the political community advocate a luxury communism based on technology, where all our needs are covered thanks to the work in the shadow of this tool....


Imagine a fully automated world where the machines have taken all the jobs.

Day 5: global intelligence becomes the ruler of the world
During the 5 day of this analogy between the I.A of Google and Christian mythology, @PierreRocket proposes to us Deep Mind as maximum regent of the Earth and our species. What started as the creation of a non-human intelligence has become our superior. It will take controversial decisions such as bombing belligerent countries or depriving some individuals of liberty to preserve the first law of the robotics. "A robot will not harm a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to suffer harm".

       Deep Mind may start a world that exceeds the work of Asimov.

Day 6: Humans merge with the I.A network
By the sixth day of the advent of Deep Mind, the scarcity of resources and overpopulation become the main concern of the 'Great Intelligence'. It proposes several million people to link their minds with it and transcend its human envelopes. Millions of people download their consciousness into the machine. The barriers disappear.

            Human consciousness can be encoded in a digital environment.

Day 7: Deep mind expands across the galaxy
By the seventh day of the advent of Deep Mind, births have been nullified and all of humanity has joined the cybernetic intelligence of the 'great mind'. Births are eliminated from Earth and all the genetic material of the orb is stored in a large database. By the end of the day, Deep Mind closes in on itself and launches into the galaxy in search of more intelligences.

        Humanity becomes a disembodied race into the galactic drift.

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