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A blockachain impressed book could save the Amazon rainforest

The ark of Noe its gonna bed codified in the skeleton of the Bitcoin. That’s the project that chases the Earth Bank of Protocols: create a book of the Amazonian life and store that register in the blockchain. In order to do that, they might do an extense inventory of the genetic codes of all the animals in the biggest rainforest of the world. Their creators label it like the “Wikipedia” of the nature. A project wich aims to convert the resources of the Amazonian rainforests into assets with genetic and fisic properties can be counted in order to enrich the countries that actually own that assests. The creators of this iniciative insure that within the next 20 years “the 60% of the Amazon could be savannah and desert”.

In order to do that, they want to use a tool of the 4th industrial revolution: the blockchain. The idea is create an individual digital seal of each specie of the Amazon and save it in that big book of accountability wich is the blockchain. Their idea is create a patent with that genetic code in the network and be able to monitorazed every time that the company needs it. The benefits will go to the states of the Amazon forest wich hold that specie. The final idea is that by using that model, some states could left behind economical models wich are killing the Amazon like the extensive minery, the ilegal logging or the oil drilling.

An enciclopedia to save  the rainforest
The idea of the project is create an enciclopedia in order to save all the genetic expresions of the Amazon before her eventuall collapse. Countries like Brasil, Bolivia or Peru have not very tight control of their vegetal or animal goods. Altough, that’s a compilicated issue (that’s complicate in a land where every 3 days pops up a different specie). That could change throw the blockchain technology wich will update to hundred of decentralized data base the genetic sample of that particular animal or plant. The objective is to finish with the biopiracy. And wich is the same: stop the biological smuggling.


      Oil companies are threating the Amazon by pounding thousandos of barrels to the rivers. 

The Project pursues the inspiration of the bio-innovations. It’s meant to be a siombiosis between cutting edge technology and the genetic material of the Amazon rainforests. The project of the Earth Bank of Codes believe that “unlock that economic value of the Amazonian could be 10 to 100 more valuable than commodities that contains that forests”. Their idea is unlock a multi billon market that could be reinvested in the custody of the forests. 

The goal is not to see the edge of the iceberg
Regardless all the odds, we only have discovered the 14% of all the animals and plants of the planet. The other 86% could bring diversous biological enigmas that defy the cience during decades. The objective of the Amazon Bank of Codes (ABC) its to promote the paper and the value of the nature and the culture of the Amazon. The idea its to prevent the animal smuggling, the illegal logging or the collaboration with the petroleum companies.

      The community of the Amazon has an incredible botanic knowledge to complement our knowledge.

The final product will be the Amazon Bank of Codes; a platform wich will give genetic samples to the investigation in exchange of retribution that will be splited between the countries and the communities that actually hold that asset. Smart contracts like in other blockchain projects like Ethereum, Neo or Eos. By that way, they could get genetical samples for the investigation and also receive, in automatical way, the retribution of their services to the biological community. 

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